Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Monday June 29th


Well there's no getting away from all things Jacko this week. We chatted to Matt Blank of Michael Jacksons UK Fanclub(http://www.mattblank.com/)
There was nothing really much for us to enquire about as the public are still awaiting to hear the cause of his death so we thought it would be nice to hear from the true fans and see how much he meant to them. We were inundated with cruel, insensitive jokes and naturally it wasn't an option to air these. So apologies if we disappointed any listeners but we here in the GTB office believe his family and friends deserve better than that. We, ofcourse, don't want to forget the passing of another legend Farah Fawcett and included details of this in her entertainment update. We've also popped in a photo of here, should you need reminded of her natural and flawless beauty.
We also spoke to Ann Jolly of SADS UK about the mystery surrounding Sudden Adult Death Syndrome. She made some interesting points and gave examples of symptoms to watch put for. So she assures us that a lot of the time this condition is avoidable. For more information log onto www.sadsuk.org

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


This week we took a look at the top 10 most expensive plastic surgery procedures available. Most were no surprise but a few were new to the girls in the GTB office. One such one was the breast implants that are inserted through the navel so to prevent scarring. Don't know about you but I'm not sure I want some surgeon I only met once to invade my navel and subject me to yet another payment plan. Recessionistas listen up invest in some fillets and a good push up bra..That sounds a little more invasive on both the pocket and our bodies!! In case you didn't hear the countdown today with Myra and Suzanne here you go....

1. Pectoral Augmentation

Average cost: €8750

The male boob

2. Facelift (Rhytidectomy)

Average cost: €7300

3. Knee-lift

Average cost: €6500

Remember Demi Moore’s infamous attempt to stop the passage of time included amongst others??

4. Forehead/Brow Lift

Average cost: €5800

5. Calf Augmentation

Average cost: €5765

Favoured by body builders

6. Belly-Button Breast Surgery (Transumbilical Breast Augmentation)

Average cost: €5700

Breast implants through the navel..Ouch!

7. Vaginal Tightening (Vaginoplasty)

Average cost: €4950

In one word..Jordan

8. Arm-lift (Brachioplasty)

Average cost: €4660

Look out Bingo wings

9. Eyelid (Blepharoplasty)

Average cost: €4427

10. Scalp-flap Surgery

Average cost: €4000

This is a procedure to stimulate follicle growth by re positioning patches of healthy scalp anto the bald patches. Professional do advise that there is no guarantee...Ouch and ouch again!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Not the sort of picture you expect to see of your local politician, but for Emma Kiernan, newly elected local councillor for Newbridge town,(and possibly Irelands best looking politician!!!) it was  just what she needed to secure her seat in last weeks elections! Emma kindly talked to us here on GTB to tell us about the mini political scandal! The photo which was originally posted on facebook and subsequently leaked to the newspapers, caught Emma enjoying a night out with her friends. The initial reaction speculated that this photograph would damage her reputation and ruin her chances of being elected, but this just wasn't the case! If anything, it allowed people to see that she is after all a young woman who is allowed to have a bit of fun! Its about time someone brought a bit of life back in to Politics and all of us here at GTB are behind her!!

June 8th Girls Talk Back

We were all feeling quite hungry after todays show, after all that talk about Food!!!!

Who would of thought, as well as being ridiculously delicious, Strawberries are also very very good for you! Jackie had a chat with Rozanne Stevens from The Cooks Academy about the benefits of this gorgeous fruit and it seems that there are lots!! Strawberries are high in fibre, potassium and vitamin C and they even boast more nutrients than citrus fruits like oranges! Vitamin C is vital in forming collagen in the body which in turn is vital for maintaining healthy skin,  they help with collesteral and these little warriors are also responsible for rounding up cancer causing chemicals and rendering them harmless! Last but not least, they are also quite low in sugar!! It seems theres nothing they can't do!! It is also thought that strawberries act as a natural teeth whitener, however it is not recommended that you use this quick fix whitening trick on a regular basis as the acid may damage your teeth!

So it might just be in your interest to develop a strawberry addiction! 

The taste of Dublin Festival is kicking off in the Iveagh Gardens on Thursday June 11th and running until Sunday the 14th! Joining us on todays show was Linda McWalter to tell us about the four day celebration of fine food and drink! Tickets cost a mere 15 Euro and don't need to be pre-booked! The most important thing to remember is to arrive on an empty stomach and be prepared to over indulge!!!! With 20 of the capitals most prestigious restaurants getting involved, celebrity chef's such as Rachel Allen on hand with demonstrations and recipes, plenty of wine and beer to taste, entertainment stages and much much more, it sounds too good to be true!
Have a look at www.tastefestivals.ie for more info!!