Tuesday, June 23, 2009


This week we took a look at the top 10 most expensive plastic surgery procedures available. Most were no surprise but a few were new to the girls in the GTB office. One such one was the breast implants that are inserted through the navel so to prevent scarring. Don't know about you but I'm not sure I want some surgeon I only met once to invade my navel and subject me to yet another payment plan. Recessionistas listen up invest in some fillets and a good push up bra..That sounds a little more invasive on both the pocket and our bodies!! In case you didn't hear the countdown today with Myra and Suzanne here you go....

1. Pectoral Augmentation

Average cost: €8750

The male boob

2. Facelift (Rhytidectomy)

Average cost: €7300

3. Knee-lift

Average cost: €6500

Remember Demi Moore’s infamous attempt to stop the passage of time included amongst others??

4. Forehead/Brow Lift

Average cost: €5800

5. Calf Augmentation

Average cost: €5765

Favoured by body builders

6. Belly-Button Breast Surgery (Transumbilical Breast Augmentation)

Average cost: €5700

Breast implants through the navel..Ouch!

7. Vaginal Tightening (Vaginoplasty)

Average cost: €4950

In one word..Jordan

8. Arm-lift (Brachioplasty)

Average cost: €4660

Look out Bingo wings

9. Eyelid (Blepharoplasty)

Average cost: €4427

10. Scalp-flap Surgery

Average cost: €4000

This is a procedure to stimulate follicle growth by re positioning patches of healthy scalp anto the bald patches. Professional do advise that there is no guarantee...Ouch and ouch again!