Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Monday 13th July

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ladies, it is official, the Adonis that is Christiano Ronaldo is touching down on these green shores of ours. We spoke to the GM of the Carlton House is Kildare and he confirmed that yes indeed the Real Madrid Team are due to arrive.
True to form they touched down alright but not in the way us mere morsels must commute. They flew in on the Real Madrid private jet and skipped the arrivals area. Disappointed fans did congregate at arrivals but the players were whisked from the runway to rest and play at the 5 star Kildare Bespoke Hotel. If you fancy catching a glimpse you may wanna consider popping along to their match with Dublin's Shamrock Rovers next Monday in Tallaght (I know-it puts the am??! back in glamorous) So out with the lippy and the Christian Louboutins and email us with your updates to girlstalkback@dublincityfm.ie

In other news Sinead from thesavvyshopper.ie spoke with Suzanne about all the latest offers to be had online. Very interesting stuff! Not sure we're prepared to give you the heads up on all the best offers though as we here at the GTB office are off to source them out first! Happy hunting ladies!