Monday, February 8, 2010

It was Singletons V Relationshipers on GTB today!

First up on GTB today we discussed a more serious issue of Mental Health in Ireland. We spoke with Jane Arigho, Media Project Coordinator with Headline. Headline is Ireland's national media monitoring programme, woking to promote responsible and accurate coverage of mental health and suicide related issues within the Irish media. Jane filled us in on how mental health issues are reported in the media and what ways in which the reporting of mental health issues can be improved. If any listeners were affected by the issues which were discussed then they can contact Headline if they want any further information on mental health issues

Love was then certainly in the air when we had battle of the GTB Valentine's girls. Singleton Jennifer Bannon and not so single Sandy Hazel fought their corner to explain who would have the best Valentines Day. Jennifer informed us that she was perefectly happy to remain single this Valentines Day and the only memories she can recall of Valentines Day is fighting with her ex boyfriend. She is a firm believer that Valentines Day is a bit of a money making racket. She defo won't be giving you her last rolo! On the other side of the ring, relationship content Sandy informed us how she believes in love at first sight and does not believe that you have to spend lots of money to be romantic. GTB aimed to find out who has more fun on Valentines Day, all the single ladies?? Or all the not so single ladies?? GTB will leave this one in your hands! Happy Valentine's Day for Sunday to all our GTB listeners!